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Where am I??? by John M. Walker

We spend so much time fixated on the destination and stressing about the journey that it's so easy to overlook our progress since the onset.

The focus is to just keep our heads down and keep trudging through our "year of firsts" and one more challenge after another, pressing on because we're looking for the light at the end of the tunnel; before long, we're aware of the date but how aware are we of the progress we worked so hard to make?

Did we lose focus or lack strategy? And did we lose sight of all the possible other destinations and milestones along the way because of tunnel vision?

You can ask yourself the questions but did you stop to really think of the answer or did you passively dismiss it and miss the context because it just didn't register in the midst of or distraction of constantly being in the driver's seat.

The answer is going to be a personal one for each and every soul out there on this difficult climb.

Out of curiosity, how do you enjoy a long trip that you "yourself" wanted? Do you just get strapped in and drive by yourself to this "token" spot? Did you share your trip and switch seats often to see what you could be missing because it was passing you by too quickly? Or did you take the time to stop along the way and rest a moment, check your map, take in the surroundings and progress and recalibrate to adjust for time and options?

By the way... not one of us asked to be on this journey willingly or by choice.

To the bystanders, it's an irrelevant question because it's not their journey and mostly they only look for the short version or highlights because the investment isn't enough to be necessary on details, while the interest of your path is genuine, the depth isn't or isn't always.

How often do we really think about our actions? I feel, that for some, the life they live is full of reoccurring cycles that require most of the same prescribed responses due to the level of normalcy it created; it's only after something out of character happens in those loops that it's re-addressed and then the cycle for that situation begins again until the next time. This is fine for some people that only require a simple existence, I'm not one to judge anyone anymore by the life they chose, if it works for them then why is it wrong??? Just because it's not my "normal"???

The reason I write about this today is because of the sudden realization on Thursday morning during a discussion with a new friend. I was making light of the fact that I appreciate the fact that I knowingly reach out and create new friends because I'm not shy about being outgoing, I love that I can find great conversation in others I don't know or that may not appear to share my interests and what's more; be able to take something away from it because I'm open-minded. I'm not afraid to talk to anyone for any reason.

That is not to say that I don't get shy on occasion, especially in the presence of a very attractive woman, however, there comes a time as adults that we must cast aside our own fears or feelings in order to accomplish personal forward momentum or progress.

This isn't easy, however, it is a necessary action so ready or not... (insert your own mantras)

Are we also willing to listen to others? Can we, as adults, be open-minded enough to hear what others have to offer in honest dialog and maybe ponder the possible impact? If not, that alone should cause you to pause and think of why...

When was the last time that you yourself talked to a complete stranger for no other reason than to be personable or approachable and vocal?

Take time to think about where you are today in relation to your own start, appreciate and celebrate small victories and big advances, readjust your path and consider possible options. Don't be afraid to grow and expand the context of who you are by expanding your content and doing something new or outside of your comfort zone. We already know life is short and we were never promised tomorrow. Get out of just living in survival mode and start living sooner than later.


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