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Take the Chance by Dulcie Bercaw

The day our spouse dies we start on a journey. Everyone thinks it is the grief and depression that is our journey. Our journey is one of self-discovery. We become one with our spouse. We lost part of us when they left. We now have to find who we are again. This can be a scary journey. Don't be afraid to take that first step. It may get hard and there may be obstacles in your path but the journey and transformation are definitely worth it.

I am 3.5 years from the loss of my husband and part of me. It took me pretty much the whole of 3 years to discover a lot of things. Things like I don't want to be miserable, I want to be happy. I want to be healthy. I want to live each day as if it were my last. Am I there fully no. Will I get there? Yes, I will. You can overcome anything if you are ready for the transformation that is to come.

Remember my lovelies even a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. I want to be a better me. I am healthier now than I was before. I am starting to come off of medications that I figured I would be on for life. My numbers are coming down and I feel great. You can and will get there. Don't give up.

Go out and sit in the sun. Stop and smell the flowers. Take those pictures. Find your passion. It is hard when you are still raw but it does get easier.

I hope you all find your happiness today even if just for a few moments to make you remember how amazing life truly is.

Go on that date. Dating is hard for those on this journey especially when you don't know really where you fit in.

Don't try to find someone like your late spouse then you will only wind up comparing them to each other. Find someone who feeds your passions and your needs whatever they may be.

Take the chance and step out of your comfort zone. You never know who you may find. You may find that the person you least expect is the one with the compassion and empathy to understand your need to carry your late spouse with you or even try to leave them in a safe place for only you to cherish.

You may find the person who listens without judgment.

You may find the person who makes you feel like the world matters again so that you don't feel incomplete.

That there is more to life than the four walls that some of us tend to limit ourselves to. You may find that spark your soul needs and deserves.

Don't just look at a picture and think, "Nah they are not my type". Look at what is inside and what the person has to offer.

Read that profile. Reach out if you are interested.

Remember that caterpillar and butterfly? The more you stretch and expand the easier it is to come out of that cocoon and spread your wings.

Fly my lovelies. Fly with your dreams, your passion, and the love you still have left to give. Fly to whatever makes you happy. Stretch those wings and fly. The wonders of the world await you in life and love. My love to you all and my your journey find you able to fly.

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