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New Joyful Memories by Darl Jay

As a child I read a story about a very talkative parrot that sings a lot. He was always whistling a tune. People always visited just to hear the parrot sing.

One day, the parrot accidentally fell into water. It took a while before he was rescued and treated. He recovered but became very quiet, he doesn't sing and talk anymore.

It didn't take long for people to forget he even existed. No more visitors, no more attention. He let the bad experience of falling into water steal his songs.

Years after losing a spouse, I began to make meaning out of that story.

Friends, don't let widowhood steal your song. Don't let the challenges of widowhood steal your enthusiasm, your zeal for life, your happiness and your sense of fun. Nobody is going to give you an award for carrying a long sad face, no trophy for crying yourself to sleep and no certificate for feeling down, sad and depressed.

It's a lovely weekend everyone, and its your choice to be happy, excited and grateful. Or you can choose to be sad, angry at life and hide inside your shell.

For me, I choose life, I choose happiness, I choose fun and laughter and I choose to intentionally create new joyful memories today and always. I'm Darl Jay wishing you all a happy weekend.


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