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How to Make Your Dating Post Stand Out from the Crowd by Bard

(Editor’s Note: Well, the last blog entry went over like a lead balloon. LOL Possibly because it was posted late or during the Thanksgiving holiday. If you would like to submit an idea in the comments section, you can still do so HERE. And now, some advice from Bard.)

In the world of online dating, your dating profile (posts on WWD) is your first impression. It's your chance to showcase your personality, interests, and what makes you unique. But with so many competing posts, aside from posting often, how do you make yours stand out and attract more attention?

Here are a few tips:

  • Use Clear and High-Quality Photos: Your photos are the first thing people will see, so make sure they're good ones. Use clear, well-lit photos that show you in your best light. Avoid using selfies or photos that are too dark or blurry.

  • Write a Compelling Bio: Your bio is your chance to tell people about yourself. Don't just list your interests and hobbies. Instead, write something that is engaging and interesting. Share something about your personality, your passions, and what you're looking for in a partner.

  • Be Specific About Your Interests: When you list your interests, don't just say "I like to have fun." Be specific about what you enjoy doing. This will give people a better idea of what you're like and whether or not you have anything in common.

  • Use Positive Language: When you're writing your bio, use positive language. Avoid negativity and complaining. Instead, focus on the good things about yourself and your life.

  • Proofread Your Post: Before you hit submit, make sure to proofread your post carefully. Typos and grammatical errors can make you look sloppy and unprofessional.

Here are some additional tips for getting more attention and messages from a dating post:

  • Be Active: Don't just create a post and then forget about it. Be active in our dating groups and interact with other people. Like their posts, send them messages, and respond to their messages promptly.

  • Don't Be Afraid to Be Yourself: Don't try to be someone you're not just to impress someone else. The right person will love you for who you are.

  • Be Patient: It takes time to find the right person. Don't get discouraged if you don't find them right away.

By following these tips, you can make your dating posts stand out and attract more attention from potential partners. Remember, the most important thing is to be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Bonus Tip:

Use dating resources that are specifically designed for your interests and situation like Widow / Widower Dating. For example, if you don’t want to deal with the baggage that many divorcees have or you want someone who will understand your unique situation, you could try using only WWD and similar apps and resources to avoid mainstream dating sites. This will help you connect with people who share your interests and lifestyle. People who "get it".

I hope these tips help you find the love of your life!

Happy dating!


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you, just printed this off to do a re-write.


Nov 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the advice


Nov 26, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great post.

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