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How do you know that you are ready? by Kristyn Lohoff

People often ask, "How do you know that you are ready?"

It seems easy, right? I thought that I was. And I believed it. I even said that I was until I met a nice guy who started talking to me and seemed interested. Then I immediately became a bundle of mixed emotions. And I was frozen.

I sat with those feelings for a few months, and now I have my answer. How do I know that I'm ready?

Well, for me there has been a change in what I picture when I'm listening to music. I used to listen to the lyrics of songs and picture myself with my husband. Now, after doing a lot of work to truly be ready, I listen to the lyrics of songs and wonder who will be the person that will fill the meaning of those words.

That's how I know.

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Mar 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great post and great outlook. 🙂

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