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Breaking the Ice: Creative Conversation Starters for Widow(er)s on WWD by Bard

Starting a conversation on any dating site/app/resource can be nerve-wracking for anyone, but after the profound experience of loss, it can feel downright daunting for widows and widowers. We've navigated the storm of grief, rediscovered ourselves, and dipped our toes back into the dating pool, but that first message? It can still send shivers down our spines.

Fear not, fellow adventurers! Here are some creative icebreakers designed to spark genuine connections and ease you into the world of widow(er) dating on apps:

Acknowledge the elephant in the room (respectfully):

  • "I know this might sound strange, but I love your bio about your doggo adventures. My pup and I were practically inseparable after I lost my spouse – they were my furry therapist through it all!"

  • "Your first picture made me smile – especially the one with the vintage record collection. My late partner and I spent hours hunting for vinyl treasures together. Any hidden gems in your collection?"

Go beyond the usual suspects:

  • "Instead of the typical 'coffee or drinks?' question, how about we pick a random emoji and share a story it inspires about ourselves?"

  • "I saw you mentioned volunteering at a local animal shelter. My volunteer days there are always filled with furry surprises and heartwarming moments – care to swap some feel-good rescue stories?"

Embrace your unique experiences:

  • "Traveling solo has become my post-loss passion. Your profile mentioned backpacking in Nepal – any tips for a newbie adventuress?"

  • "I'm rediscovering my love for painting after years away from the canvas. Your profile picture has such an artistic vibe – any hidden creative talents you'd love to share?"

Remember, humor can be a powerful tool (used wisely):

  • "Confession: I always get nervous sending the first message. So, to break the ice, should we tell each other the funniest pet peeve we picked up from our exes?" (Proceed with caution here!)

  • "I'm pretty sure my dating profile bio sounds like a Hallmark movie gone wrong. Care to help me rewrite it and avoid all the clichés?"

Bonus tip: Keep it authentic! Let your personality shine through and ask questions that genuinely pique your interest. The right person will appreciate your openness and vulnerability, and soon enough, you'll be lost in engaging conversations that go way beyond icebreakers.

Remember, widow(er) dating is a unique journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Embrace the awkwardness, celebrate the small victories, and most importantly, have fun! With a little creativity and a dash of courage, you'll be breaking the ice and forging meaningful connections in no time.

Now, go forth and conquer those 'PMs', (Private Messages on Facebook Messenger) fellow widow(er)s! We're cheering you on every step of the way.

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Jan 15
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Nice blog. Good ideas.

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