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To Love or Not to Love, That is the Dilemma by John M Walker

I have been seeing an increasing number of frustrated members either having trouble finding someone in their dating range or category, or having trouble finding someone in the area they live who would even be interested in meeting just to talk over a simple lunch or cup of coffee.

This dynamic is nothing new to our group, in fact, it is common in the dating arena period and will never be the same as it once was.

So, how do we bridge the gap between two people that are separated by say... 800 miles?

Today it's hard enough just to find someone let alone a possible compatible match, dating or the idea of dating has to evolve into into a new reality.

We cant just meet for lunch today and decide dinner for next week and make an ordinary progression into a steady relationship like we did when we were younger.

We used to have an easier time finding someone to settle down with because we had crossed paths in close proximity to one another, we met, dated and moved on to something more and what used to be our normal range has now caused us to increase the diameter to include states instead of a town or county just a few miles away.

Along with having to contend with the increased range, the challenges the we must consider has also increased.

When we were younger, we just had a few possessions our clothes and car then game on, now we have tougher choices to consider - career, proximity to our children and grandchildren and how to navigate visiting them along with are we taking away their supportive parent that played a key role in rearing them or for childcare.

Honestly, the list goes on and on with facts to consider making the idea of dating next to impossible because it's just not that simple anymore, how can you possibly create a relationship without one on one-face to face time spent together learning each others traits, habits and subtle nuances of their personality, you couldn't possibly get all that information from brief encounters through a screen no matter the frequency.

The two hearts that finally found each other may have business's that they can't walk away from or responsibilities that bind them to where they are and that my friends is just one possible example among many many more, they might as well be in another galaxy

It really is no wonder why some people that were willing and ready to move on haven't and have just given up on finding Love again.

Scenario for the future?

John sees Jane's profile and considers her, he reads her comments and is interested by them, she then comments on something he posted which leaves the door open for approach.

The two start by texting introductions and chat about their own particular stories and that leads to more then next "face time".

They chat regularly and have developed a rhythm and fondness for one another and finally agree to one or the other taking a trip to meet face to face just to see if the electricity is there.

Now what?

The rest of this story depends on you and your own facts, its unwritten and capable of being whatever you make it. The boundaries we once considered are now gone and the possibilities are endless.

It's up to us to decide what's best for us and what sacrifices and compromises are able to be made just to come to an agreeable future all for the sake of a fulfilling Love.

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