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Addiction by David Twofox

It's terrible to be an ADDICT. And, as much as I hate doing so, must admit that I am, indeed, an addict.

Oh, it's NOT drugs or alcohol I am addicted to, but interacting with all the neat people I've met and continue to meet on WWD. I have developed what seems to be an insatiable hunger and thirst for the helpful posts and friendly comments from all of you. I love the humor, the sharing of feelings, experiences, and suggestions I see on here every day.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a known cure for WWD addiction. I guess that is because WWD is alive, and we see in each other reflections of ourselves. We are a community sharing a treasure trove of memories, both happy and sad. Only here can we find real understanding of our deepest feelings.

We all have our own FB profiles and friends all over the place, but I have found no other group to be as addictive as this one. I look forward to seeing your posts and watching your names and profile photos pop up in comments. I am helplessly, hopelessly, hooked in an addiction that urges me to get up in the morning and visit with you all while I have that first cup of coffee.

Thank you all for sharing a part of your lives with me. Have a great day!

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